
Showing posts with the label obedience

The Upper Room: A Call to a Higher Level of Faith

 Pr. Alexandre Alves When Jesus sent Peter and John to prepare for the Passover, He instructed them to find a man carrying a jar of water who would lead them to a furnished upper room (Luke 22:10-12). This was no ordinary place—it was a space already prepared, a place of divine appointment. The upper room represents more than just a physical location; it symbolizes a spiritual elevation, a call to a deeper level of intimacy with God. A Prepared Space for a Divine Encounter The upper room was not empty or incomplete—it was furnished, ready to receive Jesus and His disciples. This detail is significant. It reminds us that when God calls us, He has already prepared the way. Often, we hesitate to step forward because we cannot see the full picture, but Jesus shows us that He is ahead of us, orchestrating every detail. Like Peter and John, we are called to obey even when we don’t fully understand. Trusting God means walking in faith, believing that what He has prepared is greater than w...

Consciousness of the Presence of God

 The presence of God is a constant reality in the lives of Christians, but we can often become distracted by daily demands and forget to live in full awareness that He is with us. This detachment from the perception of divine presence can weaken our faith and lead us to act as if we are alone. However, God has given us the Holy Spirit, who not only seals us as His property but also guides, comforts, and reminds us that we belong to Him. The Seal of the Holy Spirit: Guarantee and Presence In Romans 8:23 , we read about the “firstfruits of the Spirit,” which guarantee our adoption as children of God and our final redemption. This seal of the Spirit is a mark of divine ownership that assures us of protection, destiny, and authenticity as God’s people. Yet, the seal is more than a future guarantee; it is also a daily reminder that God is present in our lives. In Jeremiah 32 , the prophet is instructed to buy land in Anathoth, seal the deed, and place it in a clay jar. This act symboliz...

What have been your doubts?

  When God Calls: Confronting Excuses, Fear, and Doubt in Fulfilling Our Divine Purpose In our journey with God, we often desire to experience His blessings and purposes for our lives. Yet, when the call to fulfill His plans confronts us, it’s common to respond with excuses, fear, and doubt. Just as Moses hesitated to embrace God’s purpose for him, we too can become bogged down by insecurities and pessimism that prevent us from living out our potential in God. The story of Moses’ call in Exodus 4 provides a striking reminder of both the human tendency to resist God’s call and the need to trust in His ability to work through us. 1. The Power of Excuses: Are We Sabotaging God’s Plans? God’s purposes for us are often greater than we imagine, calling us to growth and transformation. However, many of us respond to these purposes with excuses, viewing our limitations as obstacles to God’s work. We see this struggle in Moses' initial response to God’s call. When the Lord spoke to Moses th...

The greatest failure of humanity

  The greatest failure of humanity, illustrated by the life of Judas Iscariot, serves as a warning to all about the consequences of wasting opportunities and making wrong choices. The story of Judas is one of the most well-known in the Bible, not only because of his betrayal of Jesus but also because of what that betrayal symbolizes: the rejection of the greatest opportunity for transformation and salvation. Judas had everything within his reach to be an example of redemption. He was chosen by Jesus, after a night of prayer, to be one of the twelve apostles. This gave him the privilege of walking alongside Christ, hearing His teachings, witnessing miracles, and seeing the very Son of God in action. He participated in the multiplication of the loaves and fishes, saw the blind receive their sight, and witnessed the dead being raised. Despite all this access to the truth, Judas did not take the opportunity to fully surrender to Jesus. His mistake was not just an isolated act of betray...

Redeemed, Elect, and Heirs

 God's mission is the expression of His eternal purpose for creation, especially for humanity. Since the fall of man, God has been working throughout history to redeem and restore the broken relationship between Himself and humanity. God's mission, or Missio Dei , is centered on bringing all things back into harmony with His will, and the Church is called to be the primary heir and collaborator in this divine mission. The Church as the Redeemed The Church is made up of those who have been redeemed by the blood of Christ. Redemption is a central concept in the biblical narrative, where God rescues His people from the slavery of sin and death into the freedom of life in Christ. As the redeemed, members of the Church are called to live in a way that reflects this new reality. They are called to be light in a world of darkness, living according to the principles of the Kingdom of God and proclaiming the gospel of salvation to all people. The Church as the Elect The elect are those ...

God Calls You to Climb the Mountain

The story of Abraham is one of the most remarkable narratives in the Bible about faith, obedience, and trust in God's promises. Abraham, called the "father of faith," offers us a powerful example of how to trust in God even when the path seems uncertain and human logic leads us to doubt. As we reflect on Abraham's life, we are challenged to evaluate our own faith journeys and trust in God's promises for our lives. The Call to Leave the Land of Comfort Abraham's journey of faith began when God called him to leave his homeland, Ur of the Chaldeans, and go to a land that He would show him (Genesis 12:1). This call required Abraham to leave behind everything familiar to him: his family, his culture, and his way of life. God promised to make Abraham a great nation, bless him, and make him a blessing to all the families of the earth (Genesis 12:2-3). This first step of Abraham's faith teaches us that, often, God calls us to step out of our comfort zones and trus...

Transforming Fear into Reverence: The Key to a Life of Wisdom and Intimacy with God

Often, we confuse fear with reverence when it comes to our relationship with God, but these two feelings have very different meanings and impacts. While fear drives us away from God's presence, true reverence for the Lord brings us closer, guiding us to divine wisdom and revealing His love. This article explores how reverence for the Lord can transform our lives, freeing us from paralyzing fear and inviting us to walk in God's light. The Beginning of Wisdom Reverence for the Lord is the foundation of a life of wisdom and spiritual discernment. Unlike fear, which paralyzes and distances us, reverence for the Lord is an attitude of awe, respect, and deep love. It is not a feeling of terror before God but rather an acknowledgment of His majesty, holiness, and power. It means understanding that God is the Creator, and we are His creatures, dependent on His grace and mercy. Psalm 25:14 reinforces this truth by saying, "The Lord confides in those who fear Him; He makes His coven...

From Fear to Reverence - A Journey of Wisdom and Intimacy with God

  In this six-day article, we explore the crucial difference between fear and the fear of the Lord, and how these concepts shape our relationship with God. While fear drives us away from God, the fear of the Lord draws us closer, guiding us toward a life of wisdom, obedience, and trust. Let's examine each of these days more closely to understand how we can apply these principles in our daily lives. Day One: The Beginning of Wisdom The first step toward a life of wisdom is the fear of the Lord. As stated in Proverbs 9:10, "The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom, and knowledge of the Holy One is understanding." This fear is not a common fear but a deep reverence and recognition of God's majesty, power, and holiness. By fearing the Lord, we are led to seek His wisdom, which is far more valuable than human knowledge. This fear is the foundation upon which we build our spiritual lives. Psalm 25:14 reinforces this idea, saying, "The Lord confides in those who ...