The Call to Generate Spiritual Children

The story of Onan, found in the book of Genesis, serves as a profound lesson for us about the importance of generating spiritual children and not just seeking our own pleasure. Onan, son of Judah, was instructed to fulfill the law of levirate marriage by marrying his older brother Er's widow to raise offspring for him. However, Onan, despite having sexual relations with Tamar, spilled his semen on the ground to avoid generating children for his brother. This selfish and disobedient act brought God's wrath upon him, resulting in his premature death. This story leads us to reflect on our role as followers of Christ. Jesus, our elder brother, calls us to be fruitful and to make disciples of all nations, according to the Great Commission. We are not here just to seek personal or spiritual pleasure without responsibility. We are called to generate spiritual children, to share the gospel, to disciple, and to help others grow in faith. The Call for Spiritual Fruitfulness Jesus, in var...