
Showing posts with the label sacrifice

God Calls You to Climb the Mountain

The story of Abraham is one of the most remarkable narratives in the Bible about faith, obedience, and trust in God's promises. Abraham, called the "father of faith," offers us a powerful example of how to trust in God even when the path seems uncertain and human logic leads us to doubt. As we reflect on Abraham's life, we are challenged to evaluate our own faith journeys and trust in God's promises for our lives. The Call to Leave the Land of Comfort Abraham's journey of faith began when God called him to leave his homeland, Ur of the Chaldeans, and go to a land that He would show him (Genesis 12:1). This call required Abraham to leave behind everything familiar to him: his family, his culture, and his way of life. God promised to make Abraham a great nation, bless him, and make him a blessing to all the families of the earth (Genesis 12:2-3). This first step of Abraham's faith teaches us that, often, God calls us to step out of our comfort zones and trus...

The Call to Generate Spiritual Children

The story of Onan, found in the book of Genesis, serves as a profound lesson for us about the importance of generating spiritual children and not just seeking our own pleasure. Onan, son of Judah, was instructed to fulfill the law of levirate marriage by marrying his older brother Er's widow to raise offspring for him. However, Onan, despite having sexual relations with Tamar, spilled his semen on the ground to avoid generating children for his brother. This selfish and disobedient act brought God's wrath upon him, resulting in his premature death. This story leads us to reflect on our role as followers of Christ. Jesus, our elder brother, calls us to be fruitful and to make disciples of all nations, according to the Great Commission. We are not here just to seek personal or spiritual pleasure without responsibility. We are called to generate spiritual children, to share the gospel, to disciple, and to help others grow in faith. The Call for Spiritual Fruitfulness Jesus, in var...

Laziness is a serious matter

Matthew 7:13-14  "Enter through the narrow gate. For wide is the gate and broad is the road that leads to destruction, and many enter through it. But small is the gate and narrow the road that leads to life, and only a few find it." Jesus presents us with a clear choice between two paths: one leading to life and the other to destruction. The wide gate and broad road represent easy and popular choices that often seem attractive because they require little effort and sacrifice. However, this path leads to destruction. In contrast, the small gate and narrow road represent the commitment and dedication required to follow Christ, a path that few choose because it is difficult and demanding. The metaphor of the narrow gate is a call to serious and deep commitment to God. Jesus challenges us not to follow the crowd that opts for the easy path, but to choose the path that leads to life, even though it is harder. This path requires us to leave behind our comforts and face challenges. ...