The Call to Generate Spiritual Children

The story of Onan, found in the book of Genesis, serves as a profound lesson for us about the importance of generating spiritual children and not just seeking our own pleasure. Onan, son of Judah, was instructed to fulfill the law of levirate marriage by marrying his older brother Er's widow to raise offspring for him. However, Onan, despite having sexual relations with Tamar, spilled his semen on the ground to avoid generating children for his brother. This selfish and disobedient act brought God's wrath upon him, resulting in his premature death.

This story leads us to reflect on our role as followers of Christ. Jesus, our elder brother, calls us to be fruitful and to make disciples of all nations, according to the Great Commission. We are not here just to seek personal or spiritual pleasure without responsibility. We are called to generate spiritual children, to share the gospel, to disciple, and to help others grow in faith.

The Call for Spiritual Fruitfulness

Jesus, in various passages of the Gospels, speaks about the importance of bearing fruit. He reminds us that a branch that does not bear fruit will be cut off and thrown into the fire, but the one that bears fruit will be pruned so that it produces even more. This analogy of the vine and branches shows us that our connection with Christ must result in a fruitful life, impacting those around us and leading them to a deeper relationship with God.

The Responsibility to Disciple

In the context of the New Testament, Paul often referred to his converts and disciples as his "children" in the faith. He invested time, energy, and resources to teach, correct, and encourage these new believers. This example of Paul shows us that generating spiritual children involves commitment and sacrifice. It is not just a one-time act, but an ongoing process of guidance and support.

The Danger of Spiritual Selfishness

Like Onan, we can fall into the temptation of seeking spiritual pleasure without taking on the responsibility of discipling others. Participating in worship services, Bible studies, and devotionals can be extremely edifying, but if our spirituality becomes centered only on our own satisfaction, we lose the greater purpose of our faith. We are called to be the light of the world and the salt of the earth, which implies actively sharing our faith and positively influencing the lives around us.

The Importance of Generating Spiritual Children for Jesus

Jesus gave us the supreme example of service and sacrifice. He invested in his disciples, teaching them, correcting them, and preparing them to continue his work after his ascension. Likewise, we are called to invest in others, not just to increase our numbers, but to build up the Body of Christ and glorify God.

Considering the story of Onan and Jesus' call, we are challenged to evaluate our own lives. Are we seeking only spiritual pleasure, or are we committed to generating spiritual children for our elder brother, Jesus? May we respond to Christ's call with a heart dedicated to making disciples, investing in the lives of others, and contributing to the growth of God's Kingdom.

Final Reflection

The story of Onan is a warning about the danger of spiritual selfishness. In contrast, Jesus' call to make disciples is an invitation to participate in His redemptive work. May we be found faithful, not just seeking personal pleasure, but committed to generating spiritual children for the glory of our Lord.


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